Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Moved and now settled in

I moved 2 weeks ago, so weight watching was shoved into my background and ignored thanks to moving stress, renovation stress and baby stress. Now that the renovation and moving stress are gone I can now reconsecrate on my weight watching.
Today I restart. I over did it a tad at breakfast with the raisin bread french toast, no sirup or sugar. So now for the rest of the day I have to watch my breads/starch. For lunch I will make a nice vegetable soup. Dinner is yet unknown. I haven't sat down to do my planning yet. I am still unpacking boxes so I haven't found all my planning tools and cookbooks yet. My kitchen is also 1/3 of what I used to have and I have no office or dinning room anymore. We shrunk to about half the apartment size. For that I am saving 300,- Euros in rent, gas and utilities.
I did find my weight watching box already though. All my vintage and retro WW things are in there. Last night I looked threw things as I put them away and the 1996 WW caught my eye. That was the first time I joined WW myself. I spent 10,- DM a week, got weighed in, we had a good meeting with loads of useful information and recipes, then the awards and went home happy and motivated.
Today when I go to my meeting, I spend 40,-€ a month, get weighed in, we have a meeting with peep talks, get bombed with the advantages of the newest gadget the fit bit, awards are given and I go home feeling like I've been in a commercial. Hardly any new recipes, you get told that this WW product is super, and that it needed to lose weight, all things that are made from the coaches are with the fixes and mixes, and it seems to me that according to the coach you can not lose weight if you don't use the WW products and gadgets.

I wish the meetings where more like the 1990's.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Day 4 and interesting recipes

Day 4 on vintage weight watching was once again a success. I even tried out an interesting bread pudding recipe from the 70's that I really enjoyed. For breakfast I had a cheese "danish" called toast that was very good!
I'm sure the recipes can be found on the interwebs, but I have mine out of a 1985 cookbook.
The bread pudding recipe is:
for 1 portion
1 slice of white bread
1 cup milk
1 egg
1 tsp sugar
vanilla cinnamon and nutmeg
Mix egg, milk, sugar and spices together, cut slice of bread into cubes.
Oil a small baking dish out with a half of teaspoon of vegetable oil.
Place bread into dish.
Pour egg milk mixture on top covering bread completely.
Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for about 15 minutes or until top is golden brown and pudding is baked through. (Translated from German on my own account).
For this recipe you have to check off
1 Protein
1 Milk
1 bread from your twice a week.
1/2 fat
25 extra

I had the bread pudding for my coffee time snack and had to share half of it with my one year old. So I would say child approved.
When I think my one year old might eat with me I never use sugar substitutes of any kind. I will replace sugar for some honey or molasses though.

The Cheese "Danish" is not a cheese danish in any way.
I have two different recipes for this one. Both are similar so I will write both of them together as one here.
Cheese Danish
1 portion
1 slice of whole wheat toast
1 slice of Chester cheese or 1/2 cup cottage cheese
apple thinly sliced or 1 tsp fruit spread
cinnamon, honey or sugar 1/2tsp
peel, core and slice your apple as thin as you can. Place apple slices on toast.
Or for the other recipe spread you fruit spread on the slice of toast.
For the apple version you are to lay the Chester cheese on top of the apple slices then bake the "danish" until cheese is melted and slightly browned.
For the fruit spread "danish" you are to mix the cottage cheese with sweetener of choice and cinnamon. Top the toast with the fruit spread with it then broil it until the cottage cheese is bubbly.

For the danish you have mark off either
1 bread for both
1 protein for both
1 fruit if you choose with apple
75 extra for cottage cheese

I tried the cottage cheese "danish" and truly enjoyed it. The other will be made later next week.

Out of curiosity I got on the scale this morning although weigh in is on Monday. I was so excited to see that
I have lost 4 pounds! That is 3 pounds more than on the modern program. I am stoked!

The next few vintage recipes I'm trying are:
Chocolate cookies- these could be interesting since they are made with milk powder.
whipped "cream"- also a milk powder recipe
Sunday toast with egg- not made how you think I can assure you.
and last but not least Liver Rolls- these could be interesting. Thankfully I like liver.

The vintage weight watching will be gradually taking over other things in my life too after moving day.
I have a kitchen in antique vintage style waiting to be put up in my new apartment. Can't wait to start cooking in it.
Then I have sewing pattern just screaming my name. So I hope I can find a corner to put me sewing machine in. Then I have a few knitting patterns from way back then that I want to knit. Together with my toddler I will be a busy  homemaker.
Next spring there is a garden waiting for me. I want to plant my own vegetables and flowers. Maybe I'll check out victory gardens. Not much space whole lot of vegetables.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Remembering day 3

Ah day three of vintage weight watching was a total disaster!
I had errands to do. I was in my meeting, then had to go to my landlord to give him some paperwork, then in town shopping, picking up moving boxes, then finally lunch at my mom in laws. What does she serve? Potato pancakes with fruit. The worst combination ever blood sugar wise. No salad to compensate or anything else. I was starving so I had 1 and a half.
Later on so around 3pm my body started a rampage! I couldn't get my cravings under control. I packed up house a bit and did anything I could to distract myself, but to no avail. I caved. I ate way to much and felt nasty, that's how over eating effects me.

Today is a new day and I am back on my plan. I bought five "new" old 1985 cookbooks. I found an exchange download that is vintage weight watchers just without the name. I will be printing it out to take with me on the go. I will explain the exchange program to my mom in law so that she understands that her lunch meal yesterday was the reason she was hungry again an hour and a half later.
I want to share the link to the download of the exchange program just in case someone is interested. It will save you a few hours of Internet surfing looking for it.
Thank you Miss Maggie for this!

Today is day 4 of week one.
I canceled my membership to modern weight watchers.
Why keep it up? It's 40 Euros a month that I can invest in a gym membership. So the 25th of September is my last day, and yes I am happy about that. The modern plan didn't work for me. I have to admit, not enough rules. Tomorrow I am signing up to a gym with DH. The gym I want to join has a great deal right now. Join today and don't pay till November.
I am now learning portion sizes. The last three days I have been learning to listen to my hunger signals. I have yet a lot to learn but it is a good start.
I am learning to listen to my body and what it is telling me after certain foods. Boy can it be loud to! I did not feel good last night. I was bloated, stuffed, and cranky. No patience what so ever. Didn't have that since I started on Monday. Goes to show me how fast I can feel good or not depending on the foods I eat.

Breakfast this morning was three tomatoes filled with egg and cheese then baked. Very good. I have to admit I have to sit down and plan my other meals. The combination of packing to move by the end of this month and my one year old teething has left me with little time.
I know there are a few recipes I want to try. Bread pudding, whipped "cream" and apple "pie" just to name three.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The worries of modern Women

My girlfriend is a doll. She will help you where ever she can. If you need it she'll give you her last buck, she's there when you call. Doesn't matter the reason or hour. She is also a woman that is in the here and now a days. She doesn't look back except for when a history documentation is on TV.
I called her up for a chat this morning and told her about my Vintage Weight Watching. That I actually woke up hungry for a change, and that I had energy and didn't need my coffee to "wake up".
She is on the modern up to date plan and it works really well for her. So she's my weight loss buddy when I want or need to talk and I'm hers. We joined together, and have had a similar starting weight. Where she's lost a good kilo to 2 kilos a week, I've been struggling from the get go. Simple start my arse.

Well anyway I told her about my vintage plan discovery, and that it was just as simple as today's plan. I have lists of trade able foods in each group and I can have 200 Calories extra if I want to eat them.
She almost flipped. *laughing*
She started out with if I don't eat my total allotment I won't lose weight. I will be malnourished, I will lose weight to fast, I won't get enough calcium, my bones will get brittle, I can't eat modern foods, and how do I go out to eat?
OK the last question is a bit tricky.
I told her to calm down, this isn't a fad diet the way she makes it sounds. I had a lot of calcium yesterday, the only thing is what is called calcium foods today was protein sources back then. Like hard cheese, Yogurt, cottage cheese is listed in the protein list. Where as buttermilk, milk and sour cream is in the milk list. That kind of made a bit of sense to her since her trainer did tell her that a lot of milk products are rich in protein too.
Next off I said is that I had trouble losing weight with the daily allotment that I had. I ate a lot of high sugar or/and fat foods to meet it. That can't be the weight loss key here. Your supposed to learn to eat right and the right portion size to make it a lifetime commitment. Not eat so and so much. No wonder so many people go back after they've reached goal. I asked around with the ones that came back after reaching goal, they had the same problem I do.
There is no way I will be malnourished. I have a wide range of foods to choose from, and not one food is dominant in the 365 day plans. Yes the fruit and veg are chosen according to season, to insure that you get the highest vitamin and mineral content that you can. It also saves you money to buy in season fruit and veg. I also told her I did some modern twists on the plan. I will not cut off 20 grams from a 50 gram slice of bread just to fulfill the amount stated, that would be a waste. They don't use 20 grams of bread in any recipes they have. I will take one piece of fruit or veg and not weigh it. I will only eat three pieces of fruit a day, for that I will eat veggies when hungry. A lot of women in the meetings have problems with the unlimited fruit per day. I asked. I did too, so why not limit fruit? The group leader preaches the same thing.
As for modern foods. What modern foods do you mean? I can cook. I don't need the spice packets to cook. I can make my own sauces and dressings. I know how to bake I don't need a cake mix or premade frosting. Chocolate of any kind is listed. For 50 calories I can eat some. I just have to check the package. Cookies are listed too.
OK going out to eat can be a bit tricky. They didn't state anything about that in my book I guess BK's and McD's wasn't an option. If we go to a nice restaurant I can order a nice healthy meal and make sure it has 1 carb, 3 protein, 1 fat, and veggies. Fast Food isn't a craving that I've had much of.
OK she said but your still going to lose weight to fast.
Oh that sounded a bit snarky.
Sweetie I told her, according to the book I can lose up to a kilo per week. The same amount according to now. So I don't think that will be a problem. I will promise to make sure I up the amount I eat here and there if I do though.
Make sure you do, was her answer.
I think I may have found out that my friend here needs me to make herself feel empowered. She's losing weight better than I am, now I'm breaking out of the modern regime and it might work wonders for me. Now she's scared she'll lose her weaker other in weight loss? Maybe.
Maybe she's just truly scared I might hurt my health.
We dropped the subject and moved on to what we have planned the rest of the day.

Later out of curiosity I checked with the modern system how much I used up. I still had 18 left over.
Wow that's a load. Almost two meals worth. I wasn't hungry, I was satisfied, I ate till I was pleasantly full. Let's see how today goes.
Breakfast was nice. I had 20 grams of crisp bread. I have a very light crisp bread in the house so 20 grams was 4 slices. If I had a heavier bread it might have been one or two. 50 grams of harzer cheese, 2 slices of chicken in jelly, a handful of grapes, 2 tsp half fat margarine and my plain cup of Joe. I am delightfully full but not stuffed. Midmorning snack will be plain yogurt with a tsp of Jam. Lunch will be my left over fennel and cellery veggies made into a soup with some rice in it, and a tablespoon full of light shredded cheese. Afternoon snack and dinner will be planned later. I need to do some shopping first.

Today will be harder than yesterday to keep up with the plan. I'm visiting my mom in law, together with DD and DH. We will be shopping together, and I'm sure MIL will want to have coffee and cake. Maybe I can talk her either out of it, or into healthy options. Like fruit and yogurt or buttercookies. I would bake a light cake before I go except I'm out of eggs and milk.
I'll check my book to see what they would plan for that. Maybe I can find something buyable.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Vintage Weight Watching. . the beginning

Day 1
Weigh in: dare I write it? A whopping 124,8 Kilos. Ouch!

What have I've done so far:
I joined my local group in the middle of June. I was depressed, unhappy and fed up with myself. I needed to lose weight and I convinced myself that I needed help although before my pregnancy I lost a tremendous 35 kilos all by myself. No cheerleaders, no outside rewards, no nothing.
Now it's the middle of August. I am fed up with the modern way of the plan. It's not working the way I would like. I'm not losing the weight the way I used to. It's super slow. I've lost a total of 5 Kilos so far. Lately I'm losing and gaining the same kilo the last few weeks. No fun, not very motivational.

What I've done yesterday:
Dug out my old book, reread how to do it. Noticed that you only had three to four servings of starchy food a day, where as you can eat a lot more now a days. Fruit was limited to three portions, veggies a minimum of three portions. Hmm is that the reason I'm not losing. Checked my food diaries. Have been eating a lot of starchy foods from the filling list. Pasta, potatoes, rice, etc. They where in most of my meals. Veggies to but also a whole lot of fruit. Half of a 5 kilo watermelon in a day for example. Wow! Those no counting things add up!

What I've done today.
When I got up I wasn't hungry at all, so I sat down in peace with my 1 year old and a cup of plain Joe. I looked at the 365 days worth of meal plans I have and started jotting down what I could eat today without having to go out and shop for it.
I have three days worth with just the food I have in the house. I did up the amount of bread from 30 grams to the usual 50 grams that a slice of whole bread weighs, but only took one slice instead of the usual two. Was just as satisfied.
Did some packing cause we are moving soon, had a late morning snack, packed and cleaned some more until my tummy told me it's time to eat. That was at 1pm instead of 11:30am as before. Wow. Not bad. Last week it didn't matter what I was doing I had to stop at 11 or 11:30 to fix lunch cause I was just that hungry!
Late afternoon snack was at 4pm instead of 2pm, dinner at 6:30pm. Over all my eating times have changed today. Let's see how that keeps up.

How I feel/felt
Today I feel energized. It's 11pm and I'm still full of energy. Before at 10:30pm I was more than ready for bed! My temper was good too. Didn't feel like kicking my hubby up from the couch and yelling at him to do things. Over all I feel better. Shoulder and neck muscles are still tense though. Wonder if that will go away too?

Not bad for Day 1 on vintage.

Extra thing I made for me is a kind of scoring card. That way I can check off things. On top I have how many starchy food portions then fruit, veg, milk, protein, fat, extras and fluids.
Here it is: oh by the way that is in german, after all I do live in Germany. 

Brot (KH)
1. & 2. Wo. 300
Ab 3. Wo. 500

8-1o Gläser
Flüssigkeit am Tag!

1. Tag
2. Tag
3. Tag
4. Tag
5. Tag
6. Tag
7. Tag

Brot (KH)






Zus. Kcal.
